Building and Code Department

The City of Chariton has a Building and Code Department, which oversees the building and construction permits. This Department also handles nuisance properties and issues. 

Information on permits and applications can be found here


More information on permits and other details regarding this department coming soon. 


City of Chariton Urban Revitalization Plan: 

The City of Chariton has adopted in 2023, an Urban Revitalization Plan for providing tax abatement incentives for development, redevelopment, and revitalization within the corporate limits of the City of Chariton. 

Chariton Valley Regional Housing Trust Fund: 

The City of Chariton supports the Chariton Valley Regional Housing Trust Fund that offers funding opportunities for residents who meet guidelines of their program. Qualifing candidates may receive grant funds for home improvements if they live in the property they own, have homeowners' insurance, and meet other guidelines of the program. More details for the program are available in their brochure