Chariton Cemetery

Historical Building at Chariton Cemetery
Historical Building at Chariton Cemetery

The Chariton Cemetery is owned and operated by the City of Chariton. The Cemetery was established during 1864 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as an Historic District.  To contact the City of Chariton for information regarding a burial plot or information regarding family burial locations, please contact Chariton City Hall at 641.774.5991.  


Chariton Advisory Commission:                                                                                                                                         

Fall at Chariton Cemetery
Fall at Chariton Cemetery
           A cemetery advisory commission is comprised of five members of the public that are appointed by the Chariton's Mayor and approved by city council.  They meet quarterly the second Wednesday of the month at 4:00 pm at the Chariton City Hall. (March, June,and September)  The Chariton Cemetery Board works with city staff on policies an procedures at the cemetery.  


Members of the Chariton Advisory Commission: 

  • Jeanne Taylor 
  • Ken Chronister 
  • Bruce Taylor 
  • Janet Clark 
  • Marcia Clark 



Statue at the Chariton Cemetery
Statue at the Chariton Cemetery
    Chariton Cemetery Rules and Regulations



The Chariton Historical Preservtion Commission organizes a yearly cemetery walk in September each year. The event is usually held on a Sunday afternoon.  Due to COVID -19, there will be no event in 2020.  

History at the Chariton Cemetery. 

The Chariton Historical Preservation shares information on the history of people buried at the Chariton Cemetery. There is a Facebook page that is kept up to date by the group.